200-Hour Yoga
Teacher Training
March 28-April 15

Transformation, Empowerment, Growth
Welcome to our transformative 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training program! Dive deep into the foundation of yoga, cultivate the teacher within, and embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and growth.
What You Can Expect
Our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training is a comprehensive and immersive experience designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to practice and teach yoga with integrity and authenticity. Here's what you can expect:
Foundational Wisdom: Gain a profound understanding of essential yoga philosophy through exploration of ancient yoga texts and modern interpretations. Yoga is a living, breathing body of wisdom with deep roots which has allowed it to flourish in the modern age. Through the experience of the teachings you will begin to embody yoga, enriching your practice and your life so you may teach authentically from the heart. Through embodiment of the essential teachings, transformation is inevitable.
Āsana Mastery + Hatha/Vinyasa Flow Method: Explore a wide range of āsanas (physical postures) and their optimal and subtle alignments. Refine your personal practice, grow your confidence, and find your voice as a teacher. You will become skilled in intelligent adjustments, and able to teach to the many types of bodies through steady hatha and dynamic vinyasa flow.
Prānāyāma: Learn how to cultivate connection to the present moment through the breath, to promote inner peace, health and wellbeing, and to assist in guiding others into the experience of yoga through essential prānāyāma (life force expansion) practices with expert guidance.
Meditation and Mindfulness: Cultivate tools for the mind that lead to inner peace, enhanced awareness and clarity, through daily meditation, mindfulness practices, and techniques for stress reduction.
Integrative Anatomy and Physiology: Gain an applied understanding of how the systems of the body are affected by yoga practices to ensure safe and effective teaching. We take an integrative anatomy approach to guide students into finding their own freedom while minimizing risk of injury.
Answers to all your alignment questions!
How to set your body right for every pose.
Learn online with anatomy expert Leslie Kaminoff.
Teaching Methodology: Learn to hold space and expertly guide students into an experience of yoga. The BMY method emphasizes teaching from what you have embodied, focuses on internal alignment instead of external appearance, holding a safe container for curiosity and exploration, and inspired alignment with breath and with the Divine. Learn to create well-structured classes, to give effective, clear and inspiring instruction, to identify and understand student needs, and to offer supportive physical and verbal adjustments and modifications.
We will teach you:
The real in-class cues that WE use!
Our EXACT thinking process behind sequencing
How to show up PREPARED for a full class!
TIMING the class with your playlist.
Specific and SAFE Adjustments for your students
Sanskrit: Learn basic Sanskrit, the language of yoga. You will leave knowing how to accurately pronounce any properly transliterated Sanskrit word.
Āyurveda: Experience a daily routine and application of Āyurvedic principles (Āyurveda is a sister science to yoga), to establish yourself in balance and promote optimal health and well being so you may experience this training (and your life!) to its fullest potential.
Inclusivity + More: Live in yoga and establish a strong foundation for teaching with integrity and compassion.
You can’t DO yoga.
Yoga is experienced!
Why Choose Our Program
Experienced Instructors: BMY’s lead teacher trainers Tiffany Jelliffe and Michele Ford Dennis have 28+ years of experience teaching yoga between them. They have brought their passion for teaching and the ancient wisdom of yoga together in creating this premier 200-hour YTT. The breadth of experience and knowledge between them encompasses a diverse and deep understanding of Hatha and Vinyasa yoga practice, and they are excited to share it with you on this yoga journey. In addition to 160+ hours of in person instruction, this training will include an online Yoga Anatomy course by Leslie Kaminoff.
Holistic Approach + Embodiment: Immerse yourself in the holistic practices of Āyurveda; guided by Michele, an Āyurvedic practitioner and chef. Through daily self care rituals, you will be supported in your deep dive into yoga. Your whole person: mind, body, and spirit, will delight in our time together.
Connection and Community: Learn in an environment that values the uniqueness of each individual as well as the collective intention we share. Connect with yourself, with others also on a path of yoga, and all the yogis that have paved the way for you.
Foundation + Empowerment: We strive to honor the roots and tradition of yoga while bringing them alive for us as modern yogis. Establishing yourself with deep roots into the foundational teachings of yoga, will fill you up, so you may branch into your unique sweet way of embodying yoga and sharing its gifts with the world.
Yoga Alliance Certified: The Blue Mango Yoga 200hr YTT is a Yoga Alliance accredited program. Certificate awarded upon completion.
Who Can Join
This program is for the dedicated practitioner seeking personal growth and those aspiring to teach professionally. Individuals of all backgrounds and levels of yoga experience are welcome. This program requires careful consideration of your time and energy. Prospective participants should assess their existing commitments, both personal and professional, to ensure they can fully engage in the rigorous schedule. Adequate time management, preparation, and a supportive network can aid in meeting the demands of the intensive program, allowing participants to derive maximum benefit and knowledge from the experience.
Your Journey Begins Here
Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment? Join our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training program and become part of a supportive community that values authenticity, mindfulness, and the art of teaching yoga with heart.
Tuition, Refund and Cancellation Policy
Standard Pricing: $3300 including $500 deposit.
Tuition includes:
BMY 200-hour YTT Manual.
Online anatomy portal subscription.
Deposit is non-refundable.
Any refunds or cancellation request must be emailed.
Tuition does not include lodging or required reading materials.
Payment plans available.
Enroll Today and Start on Your Path to Becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher!

Daily Schedule (sample)
6:00 am - At Home Āyurvedic Self Care
7:00 - 7:45 am - Guided Prānāyāma, Mantra + Meditation
8:00 - 9:15 am - Yogāsana
9:15 - 10:45 am - Self Study + Journaling
10:45 am - 12:45 pm - Lecture
1:00 - 2:00 pm - Lunch
2:00 - 3:45 pm - Āsana Study + Applied Anatomy
4:00 - 5:00 pm - Teaching Practicum + Workshops
5:00 - 5:15 pm - Closing Circle
5:30 - 6:45 pm - Yogāsana (optional)
Evening - Integrate, Rest, Homework, Reading, Journaling
BMY Teacher Trainers
Lead Trainers: Michele Ford Dennis & Tiffany Jelliffe
BMY is proud to introduce our lead teacher trainers Michele Ford Dennis and Tiffany Jelliffe, a dynamic duo of yoga luminaries with over 28 years of yoga teaching experience between them. Michele and Tiffany have been harmonizing their passion, wisdom, and expertise in yoga for more than 6 years together on Maui, ultimately leading them to join BMY in crafting this premiere 200-hour YTT. We are very excited to offer all of you this transformative yoga training experience, and, well…so much more to come!
Empower Your Voice + Elevate Your Life
As yoga teacher trainers, Michele and Tiffany offer a profound exploration of the ancient art of yoga, blended seamlessly with the demands of the modern yogi and the contemporary world. Merging the rich traditions of yoga with the ever-evolving landscape of today's yogic practices. Guiding practitioners through a transformative journey that transcends the boundaries of time and tradition.
Curiosity • Creativity • Connection • Community
At the heart of BMY’s teaching philosophy is a deeply-rooted commitment to nurturing confidence, curiosity, and clarity in aspiring teachers. Michele and Tiffany are not only focused on imparting technical expertise, but also dedicated to empowering teachers to find their authentic voice and teaching style. We believe that true empowerment comes from within, and the lessons serve as a catalyst for new teachers to embrace their unique abilities in order to make a lasting connection and impact on their students.
Learn The Art of Teaching With Heart
In training sessions Michele and Tiffany create a nurturing and inclusive space where you will be encouraged to explore the nuances of yoga and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Classes are a fusion of traditional wisdom and contemporary insights, offering a holistic approach to yoga that resonates with the modern yogi. Through their guidance, you will not only refine your skills and deepen your knowledge, but also embark on a transformative voyage that integrates the ancient teachings of yoga into the fabric of contemporary life. Prepare to embark on a soulful adventure of becoming a certified yoga teacher.
A word from our trainers…
Lead Trainer
Meet Tiffany Jelliffe, owner of Blue Mango Yoga. Tiffany is a 200hr Yoga Alliance certified instructor, bringing over 8 years of passion and teaching experience to her classes, workshops and trainings.
With a profound commitment to helping aspiring teachers discover their authentic voice and identify their unique teaching style, Tiffany empowers her students to confidently step into the role of yoga instructors. Her teaching philosophy revolves around merging the tradition of yoga with the modern yogi/world. She believes that every individual has a unique approach to teaching, and she is devoted to guiding her students in finding their niche within the vast world of yoga.
Join Tiffany on the mat and embark on a transformative journey that goes beyond the physical postures, where you not only learn the art of teaching yoga but also discover your own inner wisdom and confidence. Tiffany invites you to explore, evolve, and embrace the true essence of yoga and share it with the world.
Lead Trainer
Michele is an eRYT Blue Mango YTT Lead Yoga Teacher, Yoga Mentor and Āyurvedic Practitioner with over 20 years teaching experience. She is skillful in distilling the time - honored teachings of yoga, meditation, mantra and Āyurveda in a way that is accessible and relevant to modern living. Michele values deep self - listening as a way to refine our awareness and reshape habitual patterns so that we may experienced the full spectrum of a life well nourished. www.nourishlivingart.com

The BMY 200-hour YTT curriculum is designed to meet and exceed the Yoga Alliance requirements, encompassing a full range of essential elements. Our well-rounded program prepares yoga teachers not only to instruct yoga classes effectively but also to establish a deep understanding of the holistic yoga tradition, enabling them to guide others on their yoga journeys.
• Historical context
• Postures
• Anatomical and alignment principles plus contraindications
Pranayama and Subtle Body
• Historical context
• Effects of pranayama on anatomy and subtle body
• Complete sequencing of pranayama safely, including alternatives and adaptations
• Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, + more
• Koshas, kleshas, chakras, nadis and prana vayus
• Key meditation terms
• Meditation methods by lineage
• Chanting, mantras, and mudras
• Skeletal system
• Types of joints
• Major muscles involved in asana
• Types of muscle contraction
• Nervous system, incl. ‘fight, flight, freeze’ stress response, vagal theory, overall mind-body connection
• Cardiovascular/circulatory, endocrine, digestive systems as they relate to yoga practice
• Respiratory system, incl. muscles • that affect breathing, involuntary vs voluntary breath, how air enters and leaves body
• Types of joint movements
• Joint stabilization
• Safe movement as it pertains to balancing, stretching, awareness, and physical limitations
• Contraindications, misalignments, adaptations
• Term ‘yoga’
• School’s lineage, style, and methodology
• Vedas, Vedanta, Hatha, Colonial, Modern yoga key dates + more
• Definition of yoga and key terms
• Relationship between asana, pranayama, meditation per BMY approach
• Familiarity w/ major yogic texts (Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
• Self-reflection on how philosophy relates to practice
• Awareness of Yoga Sutras and similar yogic ethical precepts
• Relationship to Yoga Alliance Ethical Commitment including Scope of Practice, Code of Conduct, and Equity Position
• Comprehension of and responsibility to increase equity in yoga
• Accountability measures
• Self-reflection on how yoga ethics relate to practice and teaching
Teaching Methodology
• Sequencing
• Pace
• Environment
• Cueing (verbal, visual, physical)
• Class management
Professional Development
• Yoga-related professional organizations, including the Yoga Alliance credentialing process
• Ethical Commitment, including Scope of Practice, Code of Conduct and Equity Position
• Lifetime of learning and continuing education
• General professionalism, including timeliness, consistency, cleanliness
• Marketing and promotion
• Liability insurance, waivers, invoicing
• Knowledge, skills, experience across 12 key competencies
• Mentorship component, incl. apprenticeship, feedback
• Guṇas, the qualities of manifestation & the wisdom of living a life of truth, serenity, balance, peace
• Doṣas, introduction to that which causes imbalance to health, happiness and wellbeing
•Agni, digestive fire
•Dinacaryā, daily routine to maintain balance, receptivity and groundedness during YTT and life
•Vibrational potency of the Sanskrit language
•Proper pronunciation of Sanskrit alphabet and any transliterated Sanskrit word

A 200-Hour YTT is a comprehensive program designed to deepen your understanding of yoga and prepare you to teach yoga professionally.
Anyone with a passion for yoga and a desire to learn and share its teachings can enroll. No prior teaching experience is required. We recommend at least 1 year of yogāsana practice (on your own or with a teacher) prior to applying.
The BMY YTT program is a hybrid of online and in-person training.
-40 hours are to be completed online prior to the in-person start date.
-160 hours will be completed in-person over the course of 16 days.
The BMY 200hr YTT will cover yoga philosophy + history, applied anatomy, āsana (postures), prānāyāma (breathing techniques), meditation, Sanskrit + mantra, Āyurveda essentials, yoga teaching methodology, yoga ethics, the business of yoga, and more.
To receive a 200-Hour YTT certificate, you will need to attend all classes, complete all assignments online and in-person, demonstrate proficiency in teaching, as well as complete and pass the BMY YTT final assessment.
Yes, after completing and passing the BMY 200hr YTT final assessment, you will be qualified to teach yoga professionally.
The BMY method is based in a strong foundation of hatha and vinyasa yoga.
Early Bird pricing is $3100 before January 1st, 2024.
Regular pricing is $3300 after January 1st, 2024.
A deposit of $500 is required to reserve your space. Payment plans are available.
The cost does not include lodging, required reading materials, or meals outside of the provided lunch.
You should have a basic level of fitness, but our YTT program is adaptable to suit a wide variety of physical abilities.
It may be possible to work part-time, though is not recommend. YTT requires a significant time and energy commitment. Balancing work and study will be challenging and is not recommended.
Yes, you can find our required and recommended reading lists on our course outline.
For students traveling to Maui, accommodations are not provided. We are happy to assist in finding suitable local accommodations, just send us an email at bluemangoyoga@gmail.com. Lunch will be provided during most days during the course of the training. Other meals are your responsibility.
Yes! BMY will be offering continuing education including a mentorship program for teachers looking to further refine their yoga practice and teaching skills. We encourage teachers to continue to learn and grow as lifetime students. The best teachers are also the best students!
• 100% refundable until January 1st, 2024.
• Deposit is non-refundable after January 1st, 2024.
• Tuition payments are non-refundable after March 1st, 2024.
• Tuition does not include lodging or required reading materials.
Yes! This program has a rich foundation in the teachings and practices of yoga. It is essential to have a deep and consistent personal practice to be an authentic teacher. Even if you don’t aspire to teach, this program will enrich your practice. Practicing teaching in the program allows for a deeper personal understanding of the practice, and assists in self expression and authentically speaking from the heart.